August 6, 2015

On the other side...

I'm preparing for my exhibition opening on August 29th - and I'm also painting a lot, although I haven't posted on this blog too regularily...

But here's one of the new paintings, including photos of the work in progress. Catching the wonderful summer feeling - and using whatever props are around...

"On the other side..."
Oil on panel, 6" by 6"
For sale - please contact me

I often take a photo when starting a painting - and then I forget to take more... but here are two wip shots.

 ... ehmm.... and that's where I got so into the flow of painting that I didn't take any more photos! But I am happy with the end product, so I'm absolutely fine with getting into the flow!

Also look at my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art for more regular updates!

July 22, 2015

Exciting News - Gallery Show in August!

It's official: I'll be having my next exhibition really soon!

I've been asked by the "Galerie GKZ" to show my work from August 29th till mid October. Of course I'm more than happy and really excited!

I'm now painting away, planning, getting ready.... 
To make sure you don't miss any informatio on this, why not 'like' my Facebook page and subscribe to the Facebook page of the 'Galerie GKZ'.

Oh and of course I'll be sharing some paintings in advance of the exhibition.

May 14, 2015

Save the Date: Exhibition in Winterthur on June 6th, 2015

I'll be showing my paintings at the wonderful art and craft fair 'at Victoria's' in Winterthur!
So please save the date - June 6th - come and visit me. I'd love to see you there!

And PLEASE share this post - it is such a great event and At Victoria's is surely worth a visit. It's open until 7pm, and there's some nice food, too...!

See you there!

April 14, 2015

Va piano

Yes, I did sketch yesterday - i just didn't post...
It was a wonderfully sunny day, and I did spend some time sketching people sitting outside having dinner. Apart from enjoying the drawing time, one of the ladies I sketched came over and we got to talk. So: a beautifuly spring day, time for art and making new friends the same time - what more can you ask for!

Number 16 in my '30 Days of Daily Sketching' challenge!

I still need some good ideas for what to sketch in the next two weeks!
Let me know by commenting here or on Facebook at

April 13, 2015

Daisy - some quck sketches

Some of you might remember Daisy, my sister's dog.
Today she was my - not really willing - subject for some very (!) quick sketches. She was watching the kids play, and couldn't hold still for more than a few seconds. So for me these sketches were all about overservation and memory... and not expecting too much from such a quick drawing session.

Number 15 in my '30 Days of Daily Sketching' challenge - halfway through my challenge!

I still need some good ideas for what to sketch in the next two weeks!
Let me know by commenting here or on Facebook at

April 11, 2015

La Cafetière

When it comes to coffee I just love my Nespresso machine - but sometimes I prefer the Cafetière or French Press. Different kind of coffee, and definitely a great subject to draw...

Number 14 in my '30 Days of Daily Sketching' challenge.

I still need some good ideas for what to sketch in the next two weeks!
Let me know by commenting here or on Facebook at

April 9, 2015

Memories of Majorca

Today's sketch was inspired by a photo I took on Majorca - bringing back memories of warm sun and strolls on the beach...
Number 13 in my '30 Days of Daily Sketching' challenge.

I still need some good ideas for what to sketch in the next two weeks!
Let me know by commenting here or on Facebook at
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