February 11, 2012


I felt like posting something powerful, knowing that I probably won't get to paint for the next week or so.

Acrylic, 32'' x 32''


  1. YEOW! Amazing, Regula! It looks to me like Truth has a bit of Love in it! And Fire as well! This is amazing, and so large - I just love it!!!

  2. That is powerful. Would love to see it in real life. Do I detect an Asian feel already?

  3. Love this! The colors and the composition are brilliant! Such great energy!

  4. Wow! Beautiful... and powerful. Really wonderful.

  5. Truth is what we all search for. Red and black are such a strong color statement. Really awesome. I know you are probably on the way to the airport or even maybe in the air. God's speed. You are on a great adventure.

  6. This has so much passion, energy, and confidence! Awesome painting Regula! Hope you're having some fun between meetings in Singapore!

  7. Thank you everybody for those wonderful comments on 'Truth'!

    Kelley, I really appreciated how you mentioned 'Love' - this could have been a title as well, or Passion, but both were almost to obvious. Seeing how you still make the connection tells me it's the right title...

    Jen, I painted this long before I even knew about my asian adventure, but it definitely fits the bill right now!

    Dawn and Terri - I love your comments combined together: about how we all search for truth and how the painting has conficende. Finding our individual / inner truth helps us find confidence in ourselves....

    Maria and Cathy - thanks!

  8. WOW!! How did I miss this?!! I would love to see this in person. It has a great deal of energy and very dynamic!


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