June 10, 2012

Sheryl 'Red' Lott

"Sheryl 'Red' Lott with her fiery red hair and syrupy southern accent immediately disarms her victims.  She sashays into venues or onto the beach oozing that southern charm that lulls her victims into a false sense of security.  She is no less dangerous than the rest of the gang...she just looks harmless.  Her stash of covertly taken photographs is testament to her devious nature.  How she can remain anonymous with her blazing red locks we will never know.  Don’t let her demure southern behavior fool you...be on the lookout!"
Maria Hock, fellow member of the HHG 

Sheryl 'Red' Lott - MS016
Oil, 4'' x 4''
I was really looking forward to painting Sheryl since we first took our mug shot photos - and not only because of her beautiful red hair!
Hmmm... I guess I managed with the red part.... not too sure this mug does Sheryl justice though. But then again: wouldn't want this little mug to be too much of a perfect likeness, since as a fellow Hilton Head Gang member I definitely do not want anyone to get caught!


  1. Love the red hair and it IS a good likeness...just off enough to keep her safe! hahaha. You really are on a roll now! A painting machine!

  2. You've been busy. Doing a great job. are you back in Switzerland yet?

  3. It's so good to see you back! I know what you mean about getting back into the swing of painting! I haven't had a lot of time for it lately either and I was frustrated that it didn't just click for me. Which I would argue is not a problem for you. Sheryl looks great as did Cathy and Linda! Welcome back!

  4. And your new profile pic is darling!

  5. I thought Sheryl was fun to paint and it looks like you enjoyed it too. She looks great!


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