September 23, 2012


Beginning of the week I posted the portrait of Emilka, and as promised here's her brother Miša.

Miša is a bright, happy, sweet young boy who's interested in everything he sees and seems to take in the world around him eagerly. Upon having seen some Swiss flags while driving to our place in the car he very correctly explained to me how the white cross on the red ground needs to be just the right size, and should not touch the edge of the flag. Quite in contrast to the St. Georges's cross of the English flag he was proudly wearing on his shirt.

Like his sister Emilka, Miša is one of those kids that make you look forward to see the adults they will grow up to be.

Oil, 12'' x 12''

September 17, 2012


A few weeks ago I had the great pleasure of getting to know this young lady, her brother and her parents.

Emilka is an absolute sweetheart, but also very clever, curious and interested in the world. With her five - and a half ! - years, she is ready to take on the world with a big smile and her sunny disposition, and I'm sure her family will be there every step of the way to support her.

Although I only just met Emilka and her family, I just had to try and capture her and her brother on canvas.
This is Emilka, I'll post the portrait of Miša soon.

Oil, 12'' x 12''

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