January 31, 2014

'30 in 30' Give-away!

I feel like celebrating the 30 in 30 challenge, so I have a treat for you.
To thank you for sharing this journey with me I will give away one of the paintings I painted in January. The winner of the give-away is free to chose from the (available) 30 in 30 paintings and I will send it to him or her.

The give-away starts now and will end on Wednesday, February 5, 2014. On Thursday I will announce the winner on my blog and my Facebook artist page.

And here's how to enter the

1. Follow my Facebook artist page Regula Scheifele Fine Art and let me know that you do by making a comment here or on FB. If you already are following my page, please also comment so I can record that entry (= one chance to win the giveaway)

2. Followers of my blog get an additional chance to win, too! So if you’ve not already signed up, do so and let me know by commenting here – and because I’m curious, please tell me how you are following (I’ve switched to feedly and quite like it so far). This gives you an additional chance to win.

3. Help spread the word!! If you share any of the January posts on Facebook, you get another chance to win (– and if you share the post about the give-way, your friends will know about it and get a chance to win as well!)

4. And finally: if you recommend my Facebook page or my blog to somebody, let me know so you get another chance to win.

And while this will not earn you an extra chance, I’d love to hear your feedback, thoughts and comments on the 30 in 30 paintings – do you have a favorite? Let me know!

Done - 30 Paintings in 30 Days!

Here they are - all 30 paintings done in January put together into one collage. It's fun to see them side by side like this.
I'm trying to pick favorits, but it isn't easy... which painting(s) do you like best? I'd love to get your feedback on them.

I did say that I would post a review on the great '30 in 30' experience, including my thoughts and highlights on it. Here they are - quite a long list!
  1. I've known about the '30 in 30 challenges' for some time now, but always thought I would not find the time to paint. This time I just jumped in - so highlight Nr 1 is 'getting started and just doing it'
  2. Although I absolutely agree with you that it doesn't matter whether you paint 3 or 30 paintings during this challenge, I realized that I would have to be strict with myself and not allow for 'days off'. I needed to get into the habit and just paint - if I allowed myself to think about whether I should paint today or not I would find an excuse. I'm very happy to say that I didn't miss one single day - highlight Nr 2: trick myself into sticking with it, day after day.
  3. I did have quite a few 'yesss' moments where things just worked out great, with quite a few paintings that I'm really happy with - and I'm my worst critic, so that's quite an achievement. There have also been some frustrations as well, but less than I'd have expected. Highlight Nr 3: more happy results than frustrating ones!
  4. I usually paint once a week, and often I need some time to get into 'the flow' - sometimes I spend as much time trying to decide on what to paint and setting up than on actually painting. Which is frustrating. During the challenge I got more and more into the habit of painting, so after the first week it never took me more than a few minutes to decide on the subject and start painting! Highlight Nr 4: almost zero procrastination!
  5. I did get my paintings done faster, and still with better quality. Highlight Nr 5: efficiency!
  6. I got to know some great artist, connected with some I already knew about but and some whose work I hadn't seen yet. AND I finally joined Daily Paintworks. Highlight Nr 6: networking & marketing.
  7. I received great feedback and comments on my blog, Facebook, DPW (even made the FB pick of the day) and 'offline' - doesn't hurt either! Highlight Nr 7: feedback and motivation
  8. As an artist having a full time 'day job' and also since I'm living in Switzerland (small country with a very different 'art scene' and possibilities), I always enjoy the possibilities that the virtual world offers - I would feel rather isolated if was not able to connect to my artist friends in the states and participate in the virtual art scene. Highlight Nr 8 - being connected.
  9. And finally I'm allowed to say - 'I've made it'! I managed to post each day, to enjoy the challenge, to grow and to reach my personal goals. Highlight Nr 9: I did it!
So to sum it up: it's been a great journey. Thanks to Leslie Saeta for organizing it and motivating so many artists along the way, and thanks to everybody who viewed, liked and commented my posts here and on Facebook!

I have a special treat in store and will post about it later today here and on Facebook. Stay tuned!

All paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook or subscribe to my blog!

(I) Love to Play

No, I do not believe it yet. January 30th. End of January.

And the end of the '30 in 30' challenge. A wonderful, exciting, demanding, rewarding and fun painting journey, organized by Leslie Saeta.
And I did it, I painted 30 paintings in 30 days!

This last painting I did tonight is a Lego one. I did love all three subjects I chose - Daisy, Toy Cars and Lego blocks - but Lego is definitely something I will continue to explore in the future, so: more Lego paintings ahead.
Because they are fun. And you can build anything you like with it. Anything you love...

"Love to Play"
Oil on panel, 6" by 6"
USD 65 (shipping included)

So... what will I post tomorrow? - a review on the great '30 in 30' experience, both the actuall paintings and my thoughts and highlights on it! Stay tuned!

This is painting Nr 30 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook or subscribe to my blog!

January 30, 2014

Daisy Beckett

If you've been following my '30 in 30' journey this month (and I hope you have!) you know that Daisy is one of my three subjects. Painting her has had it's ups and downs but has definitely been a great learning experience.
The last painting I did of her - 'Miss Daisy' - is my favorite so far, so I was apprehensive to paint her again today. But keeping with the spirit of the 30 in 30 challenge I went ahead.
Now the story would have a great ending if this one turned out even better... it did not. But that's ok. I will surely try again. And again.

And this is how the title of the painting came about - I was reminded of a quote by Samuel Beckett:

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."

"Daisy Beckett"
Oil on panel, 6" by 6"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 29 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook or subscribe to my blog!

January 29, 2014

Green and the Gang

Time off for Green, and he's hanging out with his friends. Doesn't he seem awfully grown up to you, too?
Or then it's just the slightly bigger painting - 6" by 6" instead of the 5" by 5" I used for the other January paintings... 

"Green and the Gang"
Oil on panel, 6" by 6"
- sold -

This is painting Nr 28 in the "30 in 30" challenge - I can't believe that January (and the challenge) is almost throug...!

The paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook or sign up to follow my blog!

January 28, 2014

Good Night, Cars!

Finishing this piece tonight I realized that this is probably the last painting of these toy cars I'll be doing - at least as part of the '30 in 30' challenge. So I do wish them 'Good Night'.

But the title of this piece is also fitting for the situation the reference photos was taken in. My little nephew L-o-v-e-s his toy cars, he could play with them for days on end. One thing he does is collecting all of them and putting them away - and as you can see, very neatly, too.

The one thing he still has to learn though, is that he should do the 'tidying up' part at the end of his playing session, not in the midst of it. To him, tidying up is just part of the play, and there's no reason not to continue playing with them. And NOT  tidying up afterwards. ;-)

"Good Night, Cars!"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 27 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook or subscribe to my blog!

January 26, 2014

Miss Daisy

As you know, I've painted Daisy a few times now, but this painting - almost a portrait - shows an aspect of her I haven't been able to capture yet. It's not the fun, happy, young and energetic dog, but the moment when she's at ease, watching (over) her family.

I feel like this painting is showing the 'true' Daisy. I'm really happy with it.

"Miss Daisy"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 26 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook or subscribe to my blog!

January 25, 2014


Green is definitely getting more courageous - he's even keeping his nerves in this cliffhanger situation!

Scroll down to see some 'work in progress' shots - I had to use the alarm on my phone to remind me to take pictures. And it was really funny to have the phone quack at me every 10 minutes!

Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

And here are the 'work in progress' shots:

This is painting Nr 25 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook or sign up to follow my blog!

Green Light

I came across this tube of color and wanted to use it for the longest time - ' Permanent Yellowish Green'. So I decided on the green background first, even pefore I decided on a reference to use.
I think it's just fitting to put the 'green' it the title of this...

"Green Light"
Oil on panel, 4" by 4"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 24 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook!

January 24, 2014

Yoga Daisy

Isn't that almost the 'downward facing dog' pose???

Anyway, Daisy obviously is a fit dog, and now I know she gets her energy from yoga.
Or maybe from being a young, happy dog?
Whatever the reason, I just felt she needed a colorful, radiant background.

"Yoga Daisy"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 23 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook!

January 23, 2014

Balancing Lines

It's all about balance, isn't it?
Green is walking a thin line here, but so far he's doing ok.
Balancing. Concentrating on reaching his goal, not worrying about the small stuff. Details - like the little 'bumps' on the top of the LEGO bricks...

The balancing is something I have gotten very familliar with this month. Trying to balance 'real life' - working full time - with the '30 in 30' challenge of painting one painting each day.
Concentrating on the goal. Although I would be ok with taking some days off from painting, I still have the ambition to paint each day and to prove to myself that I can do it.
Which leads me to not worrying about the 'small stuff'. Like doing the laundry. Or grocery shopping. Or getting enough sleep.

Still, Green and I agree: it's worth it!

"Balancing Lines"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 22 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook!

January 22, 2014

Mike's Car Parts

Another of the toy cars - I almost missed this one!

"Mike's Car Parts"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 21 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook!

January 21, 2014

Shadow Play Daisy

Taking a walk with Daisy recently, she stopped just below a street lamp, once again noticing something incredibly important.
I noticed her shadow....

"Daisy - Shadow Play"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 20 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook!

January 19, 2014

Flowers 53

I knew I would not paint today, but had planned to have a painting ready to post. I don't.

So - my fall-back strategy: grab the iPad (gotta love it!) and do a digital sketch. Of whatever is around, which happens to be bunch of lovely flowers.
They make me happy, and the app 'Paper fiftythree' is great for those quick sketches!

"Flowers 53"
Digital Sketch done with 'Paper fiftythree'

This is painting Nr 19 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook!

January 18, 2014

Counting Colors in the Rainbow

Well, I'd say Green has settled in and is part of the team now. Or rather - part of the rainbow!
The title for this painting comes from an old song. I remember as a kid listening to some of my mum's LP's and singles and coming across a song called 'Counting Colors in the Rainbow'. I remembered it while setting up this still life - if you want to listen to it, scroll down...

"Counting Colors in the Rainbow"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)
- sold -

This is painting Nr 18 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook!

And here's the soundtrack to this painting - not much of a video, but such a sweet song - and good voices!

Free Time

Back to painting. My toy cars (or rather my nephew's toy cars) are enjoying their free time. Always a good thing, but even more so for the emergency services!

"Free Time"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 17 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook!

January 16, 2014

Daisy 53

Today would have been a 'Daisy-Day', but I've caught the flue and was sleeping the whole day. So - no painting... Still, I have a quick sketch that I made of Daisy while she was sleeping. I used the iPad app 'Paper fiftythree' ... and my finger...

"Daisy 53"
Digital Sketch done with 'Paper fiftythree'

This is painting Nr 16 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook!

January 15, 2014

Team Effort

Yes, Green got off to a rocky start - although in the end it was all a misunderstanding - but now he got his second chance and can show his qualities. He is reliable and definitely a team player!

"Team Effort"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 15 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook!

January 14, 2014

Toyville High

You remember my post 'Pleasantville Cat' and the reference to the perfect world shown in the movie 'Pleasantville'?  - Well, 'Toyville' is as charming and happy, but definitely more colorful. Even the sheep are happy. And I suspect the kids in the Toyvilee High school bus are singing... because they are happy... (scroll down for the sing-along soundtrack to this painting!)...

"Toyville High!"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 14 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook!

And of course the soundtrack just HAS to be 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams. I'm sure you've all heard the song by now, but have you seen the video?
Enjoy. And... clap along!

January 13, 2014

Daisy... staying alert!

Taking a walk with a - young! - dog is like playing with a young child. They both are seeing everything, commenting on everything (at least the child is!), noticing things an adult often ignores. Excited about everything, curious. I don't know what Daisy saw or heard, but she literally froze. Totally focused on the most important thing in the universe for these three seconds. I get the feeling I might have missed something there...

But then again, seeing the world anew each day, noticing the beauty in everyday things, getting excited about a shape, sound, color... I see how artists can relate to this!

"Daisy - stying alert!"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 13 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook!

A different Point of View

A few days ago, Green got his first supporting role. As you might recall things did not go according to plan.... Now I'm happy to see that all of you have opted to give Green a second chance - but also I have received important information regarding what really happend. Sometimes you just need to take a different point of view!

So while we were watching Green in his supporting act, that's what he saw: his parents (Daddy Blue and Mum Chartreuse) came by to see how Green's doing. Surprise visit - so of course Green got all excited and forgot what he was supposed to do.
Totally understandable, and nobody holds a grudge anymore!

"Point of View"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 12 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook!

January 11, 2014

Founded in 1863

So, the first third of the 30 in 30 challenge is done, this is painting Nr 11.  It's funny how these little wooden toy cars are moving right into my comfort zone! It is almost relaxing to paint them!

'Founded in 1863' refers to the International Committee of the Red Cross - it was founded in 1863 in Geneva by the Swiss Henry Dunant. While its mandate is to protect victims of international and internal armed conflicts, the red cross has become a general symbol for first aid and protection. It was probably formed by reversing the colours of the Swiss flag, which is a white cross on red ground.
Being Swiss, I'm of course very proud of the Red Cross....

To support this good cause, 100% of the sale will donated to the Red Cross!

Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 11 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook!

January 10, 2014

Not all days can be daisy...

.. or rosy, but that wouldn't make for a good play on words.

Well, Daisy is such a lovely dog, but this time she did not behave. Or maybe I overdid it with my expectations. I wanted brighter colors, a more graphic approach, and - a limited pallett. Cadmium yellow, alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, black, white. What was I thinking...

I did whipe out part of the painting and start again, but should probably just have started all over. But it is called 'challenge', so I wanted to stick with it, and also post today. And the nice part about it: I'll get to paint another one today!

"Not all days can be daisy..."
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"

This is painting Nr 10 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are posted both here on my blog and on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art.

January 9, 2014

Out of Line

Green again.
As our little friend, the basic green LEGO brick seemed a bit apprehensive last time, the powers that be (LEGO high command) assigned a supporting role to Green. As in 'support somebody else' - this was the test run.

As you can see, Green does support - but only halfheartedly. I'm not sure if he intended to thrust himself into the spotlight or is just still really shy and wanted to get away. Whatever, Blue was not happy....

What do you think, should Green get another chance even though he stept out of line? - hmmm... let's wait and see!

"Out of Line"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 9 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are posted both here on my blog and on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art.

January 8, 2014

Pleasantville Cat

No, I didn't mean to write 'car' -  are you curious about the title? - read on...

I must say the 30 in 30 challenge is a great experience, and it's almost funny how I'm switching from being happy with my efforts to being... annoyed? But it's all worth it for painting a piece like this. I only got to paint late in the evening and didn't expect to finish. I also skipped the sketch, just started laying in the colors - and suddenly the painting just 'paint itself' and I must say I'm really happy with the result!
.. and what's even better: I still liked it in the morning!

"Pleasantville Cat"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

Now, the title: this little toy fire engine reminded me of the 1998 movie 'Pleasantville'. Two teenagers get sucked into their favorit (black and white!) sitcom. In Pleasantville, everything is just perfect, "it never rains, the highs and lows rest at 72 degrees, the fire department exists only to rescue treed cats, and the basketball team never misses the hoop."
Slight problem (amongst others): the fire department don't know how to react to an actual fire... watch this scene from the movie and you'll understand the painting's title! (AND it's a great movie!).

This is painting Nr 8 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are posted both here on my blog and on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art.

January 7, 2014

Lazy Daisy

I did tell you before that Daisy is quite a whirlwind. But of course after a day of running around in the snow, even Daisy.... gets lazy! (sorry, I couldn't resist....).

"Lazy Daisy!"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

... and here's my quick sketch - as usual: quite sketchy... (ok, I'll stop now!).

This is painting Nr 7 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are posted both here on my blog and on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art.

January 6, 2014

Playing it Safe

The basic green LEGO brick is ready to play - but it seems he is a bit anxious and is playing it safe at the moment. Let's see if he gets more adventurous during this January challenge... ;-)

"Playing it Safe!"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 6 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are posted both here on my blog and on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art. Also have a look at Leslie Saeta's blog to see the wonderful art that's being produced by around 400 artists each day as part of the 30 in 30 challenge!

January 5, 2014

Don't Toy with the Police!

Well, the toy cars are back again! To put the painting into perspective: the car is around 4 inches / 10 cm long and made out of wood. I especially love the blue and red 'flashing' lights on the roof. And if my nephew's playing with it, you get the siren as well ;-)

"Don't Toy with the Police!"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 5 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are posted both here on my blog and on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art. Also have a look at Leslie Saeta's blog to see the wonderful art that's being produced by around 400 artists each day as part of the 30 in 30 challenge!
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