January 8, 2014

Pleasantville Cat

No, I didn't mean to write 'car' -  are you curious about the title? - read on...

I must say the 30 in 30 challenge is a great experience, and it's almost funny how I'm switching from being happy with my efforts to being... annoyed? But it's all worth it for painting a piece like this. I only got to paint late in the evening and didn't expect to finish. I also skipped the sketch, just started laying in the colors - and suddenly the painting just 'paint itself' and I must say I'm really happy with the result!
.. and what's even better: I still liked it in the morning!

"Pleasantville Cat"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

Now, the title: this little toy fire engine reminded me of the 1998 movie 'Pleasantville'. Two teenagers get sucked into their favorit (black and white!) sitcom. In Pleasantville, everything is just perfect, "it never rains, the highs and lows rest at 72 degrees, the fire department exists only to rescue treed cats, and the basketball team never misses the hoop."
Slight problem (amongst others): the fire department don't know how to react to an actual fire... watch this scene from the movie and you'll understand the painting's title! (AND it's a great movie!).

This is painting Nr 8 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are posted both here on my blog and on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art.


  1. Please send me your email address for an invitation to join the Pinterest Board "Leslie Saeta 30 in 30 Challenge."

    You can visit the board here: http://www.pinterest.com/charming1/leslie-saeta-30-in-30-challenge/

    You can send your email to my email at susan@susanejones.com.

    Happy Painting!


    1. Great idea - thanks for setting up the board! I just sent you my email.

  2. I love to wake up every morning to a Regula painting! Love this reference, too, having had my own cats rescued many times over the years! ((hugs))

  3. ((Kelley)) - thanks for your lovely comment! Keeps me motivated!


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