January 21, 2014

Shadow Play Daisy

Taking a walk with Daisy recently, she stopped just below a street lamp, once again noticing something incredibly important.
I noticed her shadow....

"Daisy - Shadow Play"
Oil on panel, 5" by 5"
USD 65 (shipping included)

This is painting Nr 20 in the "30 in 30" challenge, the paintings are also posted on my Facebook Artist Page Regula Scheifele Fine Art - I'd love to have you follow me on Facebook!


  1. Daisy and her shadow are lovely! and congratulations for sticking with the challenge! your work and spirit are an inspiration!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting, Suz!
      Another few days and the 30 in 30 is over and done with - as much as I enjoy it, it's time to get back to other things as well!

  2. I didn't know you were on this site! I love this little painting...

    1. Thanks, Nancy!
      Yes, blog and facebook - during the 30 in 30 challenge it's just an additional challenge to find the time to reply to comments...


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